New Album: Telemetry
I’m really pleased to announce the release of my new album. I’ve been tinkering on this for the past 5 months. Originally as a challenge to produce something in a couple weeks, quickly spiraled into a full length album.
Compared to the atonal droning ambiance of Areas, Telemetry is much more musical (with a share of ambient drones, of course). When I started working on it, I’d just built a Neutral Labs Elmyra 2 drone synth, which produces some amazing crunchy tones. I quickly sampled it for use in virtual instruments, and it became a foundational element throughout the album.
If there’s any theme to the album, I’d say there’s a loose outline of a soundtrack to a 90s bank heist thriller, with lots of hackers and car chases.
Maybe I’ll bounce back to more ambient focus next, but I enjoy bouncing around and experimenting. Telemetry is definitely floating somewhere across various genres. It leans toward classic Industrial clangs and textures, but there’s some Dark Ambient and synthy techno beats drenched in reverb. Ranging all the way from 82 to 135 BPM. This project was a great place for me to actually get around to learning more complex drum programming than four on the floor.
The drum machine sound of choice for this was definitely the 909. But I am a sucker for Ableton Live’s 106 Typhoon kit!
For synths, I used a little hardware (Eurorack bits and bobs; Microfreak; K-2; Microcosm; and the Elmyra), but it was mostly produced with VSTs. Including Vital, Hive 2, and various members of the Arturia V Collection. Valhalla drives my effects, reverbs, and delays.
You can find it at the usual places:
Apple Music
Enjoy! Let me know what you think on Mastodon and Twitter!